Since 2004 Glass Water Systems has been a leader in Economical Water Treatment. Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Water Treatment Products. BEST PRICES GAURANTEED
Autotrol / Osmonics Logix Retrofit Kit

These retrofit Kits are designed to take your 440 series (that has been discountinued) or 460 series to a new modern 740 or 760 series.
This will modernize your current system and make it work well.
The kits include the following:
1. Cover
2. Logix Control - State of the art LCD Digital that is user friendly
3. Optic Sensor
4. Camshaft
5. Screw, Top Plate
6. Spring
7. Top Plate
8. Rivet, Plastic Motor Assembly
9. Moter Assembly
10. Cable, Optic Sensor/Motor
11. Meter Cable, (760/762 only)