Since 2004 Glass Water Systems has been a leader in Economical Water Treatment. Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Water Treatment Products. BEST PRICES GAURANTEED

1. Turn off water supply to conditioner:
a. If the conditioner installation has a “three valve” bypass system, first open the valve in the bypass line, then close the valves at the conditioner inlet and outlet.
b. If the conditioner has an integral bypass valve, put it in the Bypass position.
c. If there is only a shut-off valve near the conditioner inlet, close it.
2. Relieve water pressure in the conditioner by stepping the control into the Backwash position momentarily. Return the control to the In Service position.
3. Unplug electrical cord from outlet.
4. Disconnect brine tube and drain line connections at the injector body.
5. Remove the two injector body mounting screws. The injector and brine module can now be removed from the control valve. Remove and discard brine body o-rings.